Watermelon is well known as a hydrating fruit. You should consume it as it offers a number of health benefits. 
The Health Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds Consumption!!!
Watermelon is rich in magnesium, pantothenic acid, potassium, vitamin C, A B6, and B1, biotin, and copper. Watermelon seeds are very beneficial also. They contain folate, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, zinc, niacin, iron, potassium, manganese, essential proteins, and fatty acids.
Watermelon seeds are containing citrulline. Citrulline as an antioxidant has effects on angina, hypertension, and erectile dysfunction. They promote the blood vessel expansion and are therefore good for arteriosclerosis. Watermelon seeds can help in the treatment of both urinary tract and kidney diseases also. If you consume tea from fresh watermelon seeds the kidney sand and kidney stones will be removed naturally.


Grind 20 to 30 fresh watermelon seeds. Boil them for fifteen minutes in 2 liters of water. Consume this tea for two days and then make a pause the third day. You should continue drinking this tea for few weeks. Watermelon seeds are rich in magnesium which is great for normal functioning of the heart. In addition, they enhance the metabolism process and maintain normal blood pressure levels.
Watermelon seeds have antioxidant properties. These properties are slowing down the aging process and make the skin look younger. You can use watermelon seed oil to clean the face and remove dirt,  the dead skin cells, and eliminate acne. This oil is good for every type of skin.
The watermelon seeds also contain protein and amino acids which are strengthening the hair. For the shiny hair, you can use roasted watermelon seeds (they contain copper that produces melanin, responsible for the hair color pigment).
Watermelon seeds are made of essential fatty acids that are helpful in preventing the hair damage. The intake of these seeds will provide your body with magnesium. They contain vitamin B5 which is essential for changing the carbohydrates into energy. If you have edema, in order to treat it, you should mix 1 tablespoon of grounded dried watermelon seeds in 1 tablespoon of honey, and then add this mixture to a ¾ cup of warm water. Mix it well and consume it two times a day.
Watermelon seeds can boost the male potency levels. To treat diabetes, add a handful of seeds in 1 liter of water for 45 minutes. Consume it at least twice per day.
So, the next time you buy watermelon do not throw away the seeds. You can use them if you have some of the above-mentioned problems.
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